Crested Gecko Care Guide

Everything You Need to Know About Keeping These Adorable Arboreal Geckos

Crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus), also known as eyelash geckos, are one of the most popular pet lizards due to their low maintenance requirements, charming personalities, and unique appearance. Native to the forests of New Caledonia, these arboreal reptiles are excellent for both beginners and experienced keepers. With proper care, crested geckos can thrive and bring years of enjoyment to their owners.


15-20 years



7-9 inches


docile and curious

Scientific Name

 Correlophus ciliatus


  • Tank Size:

    • Juveniles: Minimum 10-gallon vertical enclosure.

    • Adults: Minimum 18x18x24 inches (20 gallons) for a single gecko. Larger enclosures are always better for activity and enrichment.

  • Material: Glass terrariums with mesh tops for ventilation are ideal.


  • Options: Coconut fiber play sand mixture, bioactive soil, or paper towels for easy cleaning.

  • Depth: 1-3 inches to support plants and maintain humidity.

  • Avoid: Substrates like calcium sand or wood chips that may cause impaction.


  • Climbing Structures: Provide branches, cork bark, and vines to mimic their natural arboreal habitat.

  • Hides: Include multiple hides at various heights for security.

  • Plants: Use live or artificial non-toxic plants for additional cover and humidity.

Crested gecko humidity and temperature infographic

Lighting and Heating


  • Daytime: 72-78°F (22-26°C)

  • Nighttime: Can drop to 65°F (18°C), but no lower.

  • Monitoring: Use a digital thermometer to ensure stable temperatures.


  • UVB: Not strictly required but beneficial for overall health and calcium metabolism.

  • Light Cycle: 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to mimic natural conditions.

  • Shade: Ensure shaded areas for geckos to retreat from light if needed.


  • Maintain humidity levels between 50-80%, with a nightly misting to create a slight humidity spike.

  • Provide a hygrometer to monitor levels and prevent excessive dryness.

Crested Gecko Diet

  • Staple Diet: Commercially available powdered gecko diets (e.g., Pangea or Repashy) mixed with water.
  • Insects: Offer gut-loaded and dusted insects like crickets or small roaches as occasional treats (once or twice weekly).
  • Fruits: Small amounts of mashed fruits like banana, mango, or papaya can be offered occasionally.

Feeding Schedule

  • Juveniles: Feed daily.
  • Adults: Feed 3-4 times a week.


Provide a shallow water dish and mist the enclosure daily to ensure hydration. Crested geckos often prefer drinking droplets from leaves.

Handling and Temperment

  • Crested geckos are generally docile and tolerate handling well but may jump when startled.
  • Handle them gently for short periods, supporting their body and allowing them to move at their own pace.
  • Avoid handling immediately after misting or feeding.
Shedding Problems

Shedding Problems: Caused by low humidity; provide a moist hide or mist more frequently.

Calcium Deficiency

Calcium Deficiency: Prevented by offering a balanced diet with calcium and vitamin supplements.

Tail Loss

Tail Loss: Crested geckos can drop their tails as a defense mechanism. Unlike other geckos, they do not regrow their tails.

Signs of a Healthy Gecko

  • Clear, bright eyes

  • Active climbing and exploring behavior

  • Smooth, regular shedding

  • Healthy appetite

Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Daily: Remove uneaten food and waste.

  • Weekly: Spot clean the enclosure and replace substrate if using paper towels.

  • Monthly: Deep clean the terrarium and decor with reptile-safe disinfectants.

Fun Facts

Rediscovered: Crested geckos were thought to be extinct until their rediscovery in 1994.

Fun Facts

Sticky Toes: Their specialized toe pads allow them to climb smooth surfaces like glass.

Fun Facts

No Eyelids: Crested geckos lack eyelids and use their tongues to clean their eyes.

Fun Facts

Tail Drop: They can lose their tails as a defense mechanism, but the tail does not grow back.

Fun Facts

Color Morphs: Breeders have developed a wide variety of color and pattern morphs, including harlequin, flame, and dalmatian.

Crested geckos are a delightful addition to any reptile keeper’s collection. Their manageable care requirements, charming behaviors, and unique appearance make them a favorite among hobbyists. By providing proper housing, diet, and enrichment, you can ensure your gecko thrives for years to come. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced keeper, these fascinating creatures are sure to capture your heart.

crested gecko with it's tongue out